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Automated driving is being developed and deployed in complex road traffic environments with dense interactions. Ensuring safe and comfortable operation requires adaptable solutions — from reliance solely on onboard sensors and computing to integration with intelligent infrastructure, connectivity, and remote operation. As vehicles become increasingly intelligent, maintaining their efficiency and safety throughout their operational lifetime is essential for preventing accidents and fostering public trust.

This workshop explores three critical topics:

  1. Multi-road user interactions and behavior prediction/planning
  2. AI trustworthiness and CCAM user perception
  3. Remote operation of intelligent connected and automated vehicles

This full-day workshop includes three sessions focused on these topics, complemented by two interactive poster sessions. Each session will open with a keynote speaker, followed by workshop paper presentations. The workshop then concludes with a round table discussion featuring experts from diverse backgrounds, ensuring comprehensive coverage of all main topics.

Firstly, technological and human factor challenges on remote operation covering three aspects—monitoring, assistance, and driving—will be discussed.

Then the discussion will be focused on aligning AI-based systems’ trustworthiness across technical, ethical, and social dimensions. It will explore how to develop CCAM systems that are not only technically robust and reliable but also perceived as trustworthy by users. This includes addressing challenges in human-machine interaction, transparency, and ethical considerations.

The last session presents work examining the balance between safety and efficient behavior in automated vehicles, discussing approaches to predict and plan comfortable trajectories that meet human expectations while maintaining safety. The workshop will focus on multi-modal approaches and their evaluation, considering the diversity of valid solutions of a traffic situation and facing unknown intentions of others.

By combining these topics, the workshop provides a comprehensive view of automated driving challenges, emphasising the crucial roles of remote operation supported by humans, and AI in developing trustworthy, efficient, and safe automated mobility solutions.

Important dates

List of topics

We welcome and encourage submissions of workshop papers related to the following topics:

Submission Guideline

Authors are invited to submit full-length papers up to 6 pages for technical content including figures and references. Additional pages will be charged at the rate of $100 per page and is limited to two pages per paper. Each accepted paper must be covered by at least one non-student registration. Additional papers by the same authors will be charged at the flat rate of $400 per paper.

The papers submitted for workshops will undergo the same rigorous review process as the main conference papers. Once accepted and presented in person at the event, it will also be published in the conference proceedings.

If you are interested in contributing, please take the following steps:

  1. Prepare your paper according to the template.
  2. Submit on PaperCept Using the Workshop Code: BehPred_TrustAI_RemOp (Authors should use the unique code assigned to the chosen workshop when submitting the paper via PaperCept.)

The remainder of the submission process will be identical to that of regular conference submissions.

Tentative schedule

Time Program
8:00 - 8:30 Registration
8:30 - 8:40 Opening and welcoming
8:40 - 10:30 Session 1: Remote operation of road vehicles
• Keynote speaker 1
• Workshop paper presentation 1-5
10:30 - 11:00 Poster session 1
11:00 - 11:20 Coffee break
11:20 - 13:10 Session 2: Aspects of trustworthy AI for CCAM
• Keynote speaker 2
• Workshop paper presentation 6-10
13:10 - 14:10 Lunch
14:10 - 16:00 Session 3: Multi-stakeholder road interactions
• Keynote speaker 3
• Workshop paper presentation 11-15
16:00- 16:30 Poster session 2
16:30 - 16:50 Coffee break
16:50 -18:00 Round table discussion
18:00 - 18:10 Closing

Keynote speakers (tentatively confirmed):





This workshop is partially supported by: